
Greenpill - Regenerative CryptoEconomics Book

By Gitcoin Founder Kevin Owocki.

This book is about cryptoeconomic systems that create positive externalities for their neighbors & for the world.

We explore the intersection of programmable money, game theory, & mechanism design. We search for powerful new ways to to fund, design, develop, & market regenerative web3-era applications and digital assets. We launch the meme of regenerative crypto-economics into the world.

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By Gitcoin Founder Kevin Owocki, Ale Borda, and the GitcoinDAO Public Goods Funding Workstream.

This book is about cryptoeconomic systems that create positive externalities for their neighbors & for the world.

ImpactDAOs are any web3 project that is using crypto to create positive externalities for the world. This book is a cartography project, designed to map these ImpactDAOs and the territory between them. There are dozens of examples of successful ImpactDAOs in the world today, and hundreds more inchoate ImpactDAOs.

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Pluriverse Guide

Our narrative begins in the near-future and will expand through both space and time. Written works, art, and other media will explore the relationships between humans, regenerative cryptoeconomic mechanisms, virtual worlds, and the full spectrum in between. In essence, the Pluriverse Guide is a hopeful future-oriented mythology. It is also a collective storytelling project whose content and contours will be shaped by its community. 

The PG straddles the familiar solarpunk themes of a utopian and idealistic future while maintaining a grounded, humble outlook on humanity’s destiny and place in the cosmos. The will of humankind to survive and explore seems indistinguishable. We offer a vision of the future where we have learned to temper our desires and practice successful coordination to avoid catastrophe.

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Future History of the Open Internet

Explore the Gitcoin narrative of the history of Free Software, Open Source, the present possibility of web3, and the future possibility of the Quadratic Lands.


Soft Copy ($20) 



Experience the fight against Moloch - the god of coordination failure, in comic form.